September 9, 2021

Welcome Emmanuelle Bommier, Senior Director, Business Development, to Minaris Regenerative Medicine (United States)

ALLENDALE, NJ - September 9, 2021 - Minaris Regenerative Medicine (United States) welcomes Emmanuelle Bommier in the role of Senior Director, Business Development, effective August 30, 2021.

In her role as head of business development for North America, reporting to CEO, Dr. Kazuchika Furuishi, Emmanuelle will be accountable for creating new business opportunities and client management for Minaris in the United States, as well as for global new business opportunities, with indirect reporting to Luc St-Onge, Global Head of Sales and Marketing. She will be responsible for achieving target revenue performance, growth strategy and initiatives in the United States.

Emmanuelle Bommier

Emmanuelle Bommier, Senior Director, Business Development (United States)

Emmanuelle joins Minaris with over twenty years’ experience in business development and leadership. Most recently, she led business development at Hovione, a pharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization with a focus on active pharmaceutical ingredients and drug product intermediates. Prior to Hovione, she spent 11 years at Sanofi, including as head of API sales for North America. She was CEO of Bonduelle USA, a company in the food and agriculture sector, for eight years. Emmanuelle received her master’s degree in physics and mathematics at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées..

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*This page may include mention of our past company names as it reflects content distributed in the past. The former companies Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions (HCATS, fomerly PCT or PCT Cell Therapy Services) and apceth Biopharma GmbH have been renamed Minaris Regenerative Medicine.

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