October 10, 2017

PCT GMP Manufacturing Infrastructure and Cleanroom Capacity Expands to Support Clients through Commercial Stage

Allendale, NJ, USA, October 10, 2017  

PCT Cell Therapy logo.

Today, Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC (HCATS), a global service provider for the cell therapy industry through its PCT development and manufacturing platform, announced the planned expansion of its PCT service platform through the addition of GMP manufacturing infrastructure and cleanroom capacity in Allendale, NJ. The expansion includes the addition of 49,700 square feet in a new facility in Allendale (its “75 Commerce facility”) as well as upgrades to the existing facility at 4 Pearl Court, allowing HCATS to seamlessly support and provide manufacturing services for clinical and commercial applications.

The 75 Commerce facility will house additional Grade B/ISO 7 controlled environment rooms, HCATS’ Center for Innovation and Engineering, manufacturing development labs, quality control and microbiology labs, warehousing and executive offices. By the end of October 2018, 1,200 square feet of controlled environment rooms, 3,800 square feet of classified support areas, and additional support areas will be constructed with facility validation complete by the end of 2018. The existing 4 Pearl Court 30,000 square foot manufacturing facility, housing six clean rooms, will be renovated for improved process flow and commercial infrastructure with completion of these upgrades expected by the end of April 2018, with facility validation by the end of June 2018.

Robert Preti, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer and President of Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC and General Manager, Regenerative Medicine Business Sector, Hitachi Chemical, commented:

 “Cell therapies continue to offer tremendous hope for patients and significant progress is being   made in bringing these therapies into clinical practice. Success of this industry will rely, however,   on providing sufficient manufacturing capacity while simultaneously advancing the state of cell   therapy manufacturing. Expansion of our infrastructure and achieving commercial readiness is   essential as we continue to advance and accelerate our clients’ cell therapy products from   development to clinical and commercial cGMP manufacturing.”

In parallel with the facility expansion, HCATS anticipates that the increase in demand for cell therapy development and manufacturing services will result in substantial growth of the Company’s employee base in the coming year.

In addition to expansion of US-based capacity and commercial readiness, work is continuing on a new contract development and manufacturing facility for regenerative medicine cells and other products in Yokohama, Japan. Initial construction will be complete at this location in October 2017 with facility validation complete by April 2018. All locations will share the same global PCT service platform for quality and information systems, manufacturing operations, and technology transfer protocols, ensuring a seamless approach to serving clients and accelerating creation of a global commercial manufacturing enterprise.

For further information, please contact:

Lauren Klingler Tynan
Spectrum Science Communications 
Direct: 212-468-5362
Mobile: 609-213-3414

About Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC

Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC (HCATS), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. representing its Regenerative Medicine Business Sector.  Its vision is a world in which transformative cell-based therapeutics are accessible to all, and its mission is to provide its clients with high-quality, scalable, innovative, reliable and cost-efficient manufacturing platforms and services to advance commercialization of cellular therapies. HCATS offers PCT (www.pctcelltherapy.com), a cell therapy manufacturing and development service platform, leveraging nearly two decades of experience exclusively focused on the cell therapy industry. The PCT service platform includes contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) services, at current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) standards, including clinical and commercial manufacturing, manufacturing development, and technology development. In the future, HCATS will expand the scope of its services to offer other services or products distinct from those currently under PCT, under separate platforms.

For more information, visit www.hitachi-chem-ats.com.

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*This page may include mention of our past company names as it reflects content distributed in the past. The former companies Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions (HCATS, fomerly PCT or PCT Cell Therapy Services) and apceth Biopharma GmbH have been renamed Minaris Regenerative Medicine.

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