March 18, 2020

Navigating COVID-19 at HCATS

At HCATS, we are dedicated to providing our clients with high value development and manufacturing services while fostering a safe environment that does not put our patients, clients, or employees at risk. Due to this and the growing concern of COVID-19, we are taking necessary precautions and implementing new policies and procedures so we can continue to work toward making transformative therapeutics accessible to patients in need.

For all remote-capable employees, we are requiring work from home. While this is a challenging time, we are trying to make the best of this situation by ensuring our employees have the correct tools they need in order to connect and collaborate with one another.

Currently, both New Jersey and California where our facilities are based are subject to mandated restrictions on leaving home and going to work for some businesses. We want to assure our clients and suppliers that we have communicated with authorities and confirmed that we, as well as our vendors and contractors required to do our work, are exempt from these restrictions. For now, we are still able to serve our clients and patients.

Clients have already received direct communication from us with more details and should continue to proceed to communicate with their points of contact within the company.

We understand this is a very difficult time and are committed to being honest and transparent with our clients about our risk management plans. Our leadership team will continue to evaluate policies as this situation develops. We want to thank our clients and employees for being so understanding during these times.

For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit the following websites:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

World Health Organization (WHO):

Media Contact Info:

*This page may include mention of our past company names as it reflects content distributed in the past. The former companies Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions (HCATS, fomerly PCT or PCT Cell Therapy Services) and apceth Biopharma GmbH have been renamed Minaris Regenerative Medicine.

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