The entire team at HCATS continues its commitment to stay ahead of and respond to the COVID-19 situation.
At this time, our facilities continue operations and all our amazing employees are working exceptionally hard through these challenging circumstances to provide our clients with the high-quality support they are accustomed to and deserve.
Although both Bergen County, New Jersey and Santa Clara County, California are among the hardest hit spots for COVID-19 in the US and as such are subject to government mandates calling for general “stay at home” policies, we have secured the required exemptions as a manufacturer and participant in the health care industry to avoid government mandated closure. At this time, we will continue to serve our clients and patients.
We have appropriately responded to these restrictions by limiting our on-site staff to the minimum essential to run our operations, implementing social distancing policies within our facilities, providing masks and other PPE as required, and equipping our employees with credentials to show on demand explaining that they work for an exempted organization so as to allow for their commutes.
Our employees are acutely aware of the risks to themselves and to our business and we believe the steps we are taking are appropriate to meet this challenge. We are deeply grateful to our employees for the dedication they have shown, whether they are working from home or are required to be on-site at one of our facilities.
Our clients have already received this information and should continue to speak to their points of contact within the company for updates. Our leadership team will continue to evaluate the situation as it develops.
For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit the following websites:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
World Health Organization (WHO):
*This page may include mention of our past company names as it reflects content distributed in the past. The former companies Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions (HCATS, fomerly PCT or PCT Cell Therapy Services) and apceth Biopharma GmbH have been renamed Minaris Regenerative Medicine.