Minaris Regenerative Medicine is proud to share current and past news and announcements from its over twenty years of experience. Please see below for our press releases and announcements.
Yokohama, Japan - March 14th, 2024 - We are pleased to inform you that Minaris Regenerative Medicine Co., Ltd. and VectorBuilder Inc. have entered into a business alliance. Details in Japanese for local news in Japan. Minaris Regenerative Medicine株式会社(本社:神奈川県横浜市、代表取締役社長 坂東 博人、以下 Minaris)は、VectorBuilder Inc.(本社:Chicago, IL 60609, USA、最高科学責任者 Bruce Lahn, Ph.D.、以下 VectorBuilder)と業務提携を結んだことをお知らせします。 ...
Munich, Germany - November 28th, 2023 - Minaris Regenerative Medicine GmbH, a leading contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) for the cell and gene therapy industry fully owned by Resonac Group, announces the appointment of Hiroto Bando, PhD as CEO of the European operations of Minaris Regenerative Medicine (Minaris) as of November 28, 2023. Hiroto Bando assumes this new role ...